Mr. Milk

Benedikte Goss, a passionate Norwegian pedagogue who has worked with children for twelve years, has been making up stories for the children she works with as well as for her own. She aims to teach topics that interest the kids, but that also show them how they can use everyday objects around them to transform them and play with them. In Mr. Milk story, she shows the life of a milk carton that eventually becomes a boat.

In my personal opinion, I find it great to teach children to up-cycle materials like these that can actually generate the most fun!.

Congratulations to Benedikte on her publication, and a big thank you for trusting me to do the illustrations. Here a little sample for you! For the full story you are very welcome to purchase the book from the following link:

or, you can also look it up on Amazon as ‘Mr. Milk’



‘Vissions for tomorrow’ exhibition


Local Artists -Local Content Art Prize