Who is Nadia Katt?

Nadia… The universe dropped her soul in Bogota, Colombia thirty something years ago. Since she opened her eyes, she was amazed by the forms that the light was revealing into her eyes… (she forgot about that for a while).

Since she was a kid at school, she loved drawing and painting. Often a few classmates would ask her to draw their homework on their behalf. She was so happy to do it. She remembers that one time being 5 years old and being commissioned to draw about 8 donkeys.

Growing up the story repeated throughout the years. And she was always excelling in art class. Later on, when the time to go to Uni arrived, she actually decided to study Architecture, and kinda left art on the side. Before finishing her career, she went for a study exchange to Mexico, and to her surprise, in that Uni, they were giving life drawing classes as an elective subject. This was so fulfilling! every week she was looking forward to attending to that class.

After returning to Colombia and working in Architecture for a few years, in 2013 she decided to travel abroad…And decided to go to Australia (where she currently resides). Looking for that something, that missing piece… the completeness. Later in 2017, she finally decided to start painting again. And since then, she started channeling her creative power into ART.

She wishes that the universe keeps conspiring and giving her the opportunity to materialise her ideas and be able to contribute and inspire others on Planet Earth and beyond (if possible) for the rest of her existence.

Visit her blog if you want to know some more :)

Note: Love our Terra, give back to it and all it’s living creatures.